1. Why should you change your wifi's MAC Address
2. How to check your current MAC Address
3. How to generally change your MAC Address
4. How to change your Wifi's MAC Address
Hello everyone, recently I came up with an obsession of changing my wifi's physical MAC Address. I've searched around the web and there's a mess going on about changing it on Windows 7, so I'll try to show the easiest possible way to you. There is a lot of applications around promising to do that but you don't actually need an application. The whole process is about creating a key in registry, and I think that's an easy thing to do. Now, let me explain what am I talking about and how to do that.. (If you are an advanced user go straight to the Wifi section)
Why should you change your wifi's MAC Address?
First of all every PC running windows, that is connected to the internet uses a networking device such as an Ethernet or WiFi network adapter. Just like every other device in the world, each one has a unique ID in order to trace where it was manufactured, by whom and when. This unique ID in networking is called Physical MAC Address. More info about MAC Addresses can be found here. What you need to know is that MAC Address is all someone needs to trace your network adapter, meaning where it was designed, where and when you purchased it and all data connected to that purchase. I know, I'm beginning to sound weird now.. but let's get down to the point.
Let's say you carry your laptop and visit a local library or a public wifi access point. You decide to connect to the internet through that access point using your laptop's wifi adapter. Now, by connecting to the access point your PC automatically sends your MAC Address to the access point, while the access point registers your PC Name and MAC Address and grants you the connection. Someone with access to that specific wireless router is now able to see your MAC Address and if that someone has some "bad will" power could harm you using that information. For example someone could use your MAC Address in doing something illegal and the whole matter is going to include you.. You wouldn't want that.
So why would you let anyone access that info? It would be better (and fun too) to change it to a fake address in order to be secure.
How to check your current MAC Address
In order to know which is your physical MAC Address shown to access points when you connect to them, follow the steps below.
1. Open a console window by pressing "Start" and typing "cmd.exe".
2. Type the following command in the command line: "ipconfig /all"
3. Press "Enter" and check the results. Scroll up to find your wifi's name.
4. Your MAC Address is in the "Physical Address" field. I've removed the rest of the info.
How to generally change your MAC Address
First of all, let's note that this whole article is mainly about WiFi MAC Address spoofing in Windows 7. But we'll mention, how to generally change your network device's MAC Address. In most of the cases you could easily change your MAC Address simply by following these steps.
1. Go to the "Device Manager" (Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager)
2. Double-click your networking device.
3. Go to the "Advanced" tab.
4. Select "Network Address".
5. Change your value to your desired address. Make sure it is formed by acceptable 16-bit digits only. (Numbers 0 to 9, Characters from A to F).
6. Close the window by pressing "OK".
7. Right Click your device -> Disable.
8. Right Click your device -> Enable.
How to change your Wifi's MAC Address
In most of the cases though, your wifi advanced tab does not have such an option so it's a bit more difficult to change it. You could use software in order to do that but there is always a risk when using software to change your registry. You never know what's gonna be changed. So my suggestion is to change your registry manually. In fact you don't actually change anything, you just have to add one value. So let's get down to it. Before starting you need to know your network adapter's name in order to identify it correctly in the registry. So you could go to the "Device Manager" just like above, find your wifi network adapter's name and try to memorize it (Really it's not that difficult..) Now follow the next steps:
1. Click on "Start" and type "regedit.exe" and press "Enter" to enter the Windows "Registry Editor".
2. Browse to the value :
-> ControlSet001
-> Control
-> Class
-> {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Now notice that the following numbers match different devices.
Click on "0000" and check the keys in the right panel. There is a key named "DriverDesc" which is the description (aka name) of the device.
2. Check the numbers one by one in order to find your wifi network adapter's name in the "DriverDesc" field.
You can see your real Wifi MAC Address in the field DeviceInstanceID that I have hidden with a black rectangle. That is the one that the access point will receive when you connect to it, "IF" you haven't changed your MAC Address manually. Now let's get to the point.
3. Right Click the number of your device (which in my case is 0026) and select
New -> String Value
4. Write down the value name "NetworkAddress" instead of "New Value #1" that will appear. Make sure not to press any spaces.
5. Double Click the new value that was created.
6. Be creative as you enter your desired MAC Address, just make sure you start it in an acceptable form etc starting with 12 then add ten more 16-bit digits (Numbers 0 to 9, Characters from A to F).
7. Click "OK".
8. Close the Windows Registry Editor.
9. Go to your Device Manager and disable and re-enable your device.
You can now check your Wifi's MAC Address and see if that has been changed properly.
This is Solid Snake..
Thank you all for reading, I hope I got you out of a lot of trouble.
2. How to check your current MAC Address
3. How to generally change your MAC Address
4. How to change your Wifi's MAC Address
Hello everyone, recently I came up with an obsession of changing my wifi's physical MAC Address. I've searched around the web and there's a mess going on about changing it on Windows 7, so I'll try to show the easiest possible way to you. There is a lot of applications around promising to do that but you don't actually need an application. The whole process is about creating a key in registry, and I think that's an easy thing to do. Now, let me explain what am I talking about and how to do that.. (If you are an advanced user go straight to the Wifi section)
Why should you change your wifi's MAC Address?
First of all every PC running windows, that is connected to the internet uses a networking device such as an Ethernet or WiFi network adapter. Just like every other device in the world, each one has a unique ID in order to trace where it was manufactured, by whom and when. This unique ID in networking is called Physical MAC Address. More info about MAC Addresses can be found here. What you need to know is that MAC Address is all someone needs to trace your network adapter, meaning where it was designed, where and when you purchased it and all data connected to that purchase. I know, I'm beginning to sound weird now.. but let's get down to the point.
Let's say you carry your laptop and visit a local library or a public wifi access point. You decide to connect to the internet through that access point using your laptop's wifi adapter. Now, by connecting to the access point your PC automatically sends your MAC Address to the access point, while the access point registers your PC Name and MAC Address and grants you the connection. Someone with access to that specific wireless router is now able to see your MAC Address and if that someone has some "bad will" power could harm you using that information. For example someone could use your MAC Address in doing something illegal and the whole matter is going to include you.. You wouldn't want that.
So why would you let anyone access that info? It would be better (and fun too) to change it to a fake address in order to be secure.
How to check your current MAC Address
In order to know which is your physical MAC Address shown to access points when you connect to them, follow the steps below.
1. Open a console window by pressing "Start" and typing "cmd.exe".
2. Type the following command in the command line: "ipconfig /all"
3. Press "Enter" and check the results. Scroll up to find your wifi's name.
4. Your MAC Address is in the "Physical Address" field. I've removed the rest of the info.
How to generally change your MAC Address
First of all, let's note that this whole article is mainly about WiFi MAC Address spoofing in Windows 7. But we'll mention, how to generally change your network device's MAC Address. In most of the cases you could easily change your MAC Address simply by following these steps.
1. Go to the "Device Manager" (Control Panel -> System -> Device Manager)
4. Select "Network Address".
5. Change your value to your desired address. Make sure it is formed by acceptable 16-bit digits only. (Numbers 0 to 9, Characters from A to F).
7. Right Click your device -> Disable.
8. Right Click your device -> Enable.
How to change your Wifi's MAC Address
In most of the cases though, your wifi advanced tab does not have such an option so it's a bit more difficult to change it. You could use software in order to do that but there is always a risk when using software to change your registry. You never know what's gonna be changed. So my suggestion is to change your registry manually. In fact you don't actually change anything, you just have to add one value. So let's get down to it. Before starting you need to know your network adapter's name in order to identify it correctly in the registry. So you could go to the "Device Manager" just like above, find your wifi network adapter's name and try to memorize it (Really it's not that difficult..) Now follow the next steps:
1. Click on "Start" and type "regedit.exe" and press "Enter" to enter the Windows "Registry Editor".
2. Browse to the value :
-> ControlSet001
-> Control
-> Class
-> {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Now notice that the following numbers match different devices.
Click on "0000" and check the keys in the right panel. There is a key named "DriverDesc" which is the description (aka name) of the device.
2. Check the numbers one by one in order to find your wifi network adapter's name in the "DriverDesc" field.
You can see your real Wifi MAC Address in the field DeviceInstanceID that I have hidden with a black rectangle. That is the one that the access point will receive when you connect to it, "IF" you haven't changed your MAC Address manually. Now let's get to the point.
3. Right Click the number of your device (which in my case is 0026) and select
New -> String Value
4. Write down the value name "NetworkAddress" instead of "New Value #1" that will appear. Make sure not to press any spaces.
5. Double Click the new value that was created.
6. Be creative as you enter your desired MAC Address, just make sure you start it in an acceptable form etc starting with 12 then add ten more 16-bit digits (Numbers 0 to 9, Characters from A to F).
7. Click "OK".
8. Close the Windows Registry Editor.
9. Go to your Device Manager and disable and re-enable your device.
You can now check your Wifi's MAC Address and see if that has been changed properly.
This is Solid Snake..
Thank you all for reading, I hope I got you out of a lot of trouble.